The Management of DIAGNOSIS DERMATOLOGICA, from its commitment to the development and continuous improvement of our Quality Management System, has established the Quality Policy that is presented below.
Our dermatological analysis, prevention, intervention, monitoring and treatment services for our patients are supported by this operational and functional line.
Objectives that are established as a whole in Service Quality and in the application of the different actions necessary to achieve them.
This guideline is periodically reviewed by the Board and Management in order to adapt it to the purposes of our organization and establish the corresponding quality objectives for its application. These objectives are communicated to all members of the company and the appropriate and necessary resources are provided to facilitate their achievement.
The application of these values in their daily work is established for all members of the company, in order to contribute to the Quality Policy , offering the best service and attention to our patients and interested parties.
Joan Llado
Passatge de Ricard Zamora, 1
08017 Barcelona
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