The patient has access to the best non-invasive skin diagnostic equipment.
Designed specifically for dermatology, the VECTRA WB360 full-body 3D imaging system (integrated with ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE) captures the entire surface of the skin in macro-quality resolution with a single capture.
The fully integrated software allows doctors to map and monitor pigmented lesions and distributed skin diseases. Other applications include the documentation of pigmented lesions, psoriasis, vitiligo and other lesions that are difficult to diagnose. The main objective is to diagnose all lesions and melanomas, carcinoma in its initial phase. Consult more information
Automated whole body imaging with integrated body mapping.
Motorized programmable elevator ensures repeatable camera positions and illumination.
Standardized templates control camera settings and guide patient poses.
Automated sequencing guides the user through captures, without the need for special photography knowledge. See more information
DermaGraphix® and Canfield IntelliStudio body mapping software deliver fast, repeatable total body photography in any practice.
Built-in body map templates guide you to quickly capture standardized generalized images with the connected SLR camera.
The unique IntelliPanel® lighting system provides perfectly balanced clinical-grade illumination for uniform skin imaging.
Integrated range lights ensure precise camera-to-subject distance and repeatable subject positioning. And when combined with the VEOS DS3, it wirelessly captures and labels dermoscopic lesion images on body map sector photographs. See more information
The first non-invasive hair consultation powered by Artificial Intelligence.
This fully automated real-time analysis does not require hair cutting and allows appropriate treatment plans and objective monitoring of results to be easily communicated to patients.
HairMetrix Benefits: 1) Fully automated untrimmed analysis, 2) Old/terminal follicular unit ratio, 3) Objective monitoring of the result.
Uses the latest AI algorithms.
There is no special preparation of the scalp or hair. See more information
Epiluminescence microscopy or Dermatoscopy is a non-invasive diagnostic imaging technique that significantly improves the diagnostic accuracy of melanocytic lesions and other skin tumors. New diagnostic computer systems allow for total body mapping, lesion localization, and electronic archiving of lesion images with digital epiluminescence microscopy. This makes it possible to carry out very precise serial controls of the patient and detect minimal changes suggestive of malignancy even when there is a large number of lesions.
Confocal microscopy applied to diagnosis is a non-invasive imaging technique that significantly improves the diagnostic accuracy of melanocytic lesions and other skin tumors.
Digital dermoscopy or Molemax HD Digital Epiluminescence Microscopy.
Digital dermoscopy equipment and total body maps (with poralized light)
Passatge de Ricard Zamora, 1
08017 Barcelona
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