Diagnosis Dermatológica is a pioneering center worldwide in the diagnosis and treatment of skin cancer.
Its professionals are experts with internationally recognized prestige in skin cancer and melanoma and are under the medical direction of the Dr. Susana Puig Sardá and Dr. Josep Malvehy Guilera , head of the dermatology service and coordinator of the melanoma group respectively at the Hospital Clínic of Barcelona. They are responsible for the introduction and validation of numerous diagnostic techniques, such as the digital monitoring method currently implemented throughout the world, and are authors of more than 400 research articles in the most prestigious international journals.
The medical team is made up of dermatologists who are experts in imaging technology, dermato-oncology and dermatological therapy , being leaders in these fields at a national and international level. We also have a team of nursing professionals and imaging technicians specialized in dermatological patients with extensive experience.
Our professionals annually carry out more than 5,000 consultations for patients with skin lesions, being the reference center for more than 250 specialists at the state level and receiving international consultations from all continents.
The dermatological clinic has agreements with health insurance companies for consultation and digital examinations.
The center has facilities inaugurated in January 2017, specially designed for the patient’s needs.
Dermatological Diagnosis has state-of-the-art equipment (Mole Max HD) and high-definition Fotofinder with polarized and cross-polarized light maps. It also has the most advanced confocal microscopy systems (Vivascope 1500, Vivascope 3000) that are combined with high-resolution digital dermoscopy integrated into the same system (Vivacam) for structural anatomical correlation and navigation during the examination. Other technologies available include Visia multispectral imaging, Vectra 3D imaging and laser equipment.
Passatge de Ricard Zamora, 1
08017 Barcelona
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